Masonry, plaster and mortar
Masonry and plastering mortar as the most important component of the commercialization of building materials, cellulose ether plays a vital role. A good mortar should have a good and easy to apply, smooth and non-stick knife, enough time to operate, easy to level; in the mechanization of the mortar should be good enough to be easy to apply, smooth and non-stick knife, enough time to operate, easy to level; in the mechanization of the mortar should be good enough to apply, smooth and non-stick knife, easy to level; in the mechanization of the mortar should be good enough to apply, smooth and non-stick knife, easy to level; in the mechanization of the mortar should be good enough to level Construction today, mortar should also have good pumping properties to avoid the possibility of mortar delamination and pipe plugging. Mortar hardened body should have excellent strength properties and surface appearance, suitable compressive strength, durability, no hollow drums, no cracking.

Max cellulose ether water retention properties reduce the water absorbed by the multi-vacancy substrate, promote better hydration of the gel material, in large areas of construction. It can greatly reduce the probability of dry cracking of early mortar and improve the bond strength; its thickening ability can improve the wetting of wet mortar to the base surface. Cellulose ether stabilizes the wet mortar, and reduces or avoids delamination and water secretion. Rheology and reduced resistance, thus increasing pumpability and reducing labor intensity. Modified cellulose ethers provide indispensable anti-sagging properties when applying thick mortars, which can reduce construction time and reduce Waste.

Wet mortar
Wet mortar is a mixture of cement, fine aggregate, admixture (mainly cellulose ether), water and various components determined according to the properties, according to a certain ratio, after measuring and mixing in the mixing plant, and then transported to the place of use by mixing truck, put into special containers for storage, and used within a specified period of time.
Masonry, plaster and mortar
Compared to the traditional site mix mortar, the biggest difference is the introduction of machine-blasted mortar, such as the introduction of a series of Max cellulose ether can be The admixture that optimizes the mortar performance, thus making the new mortar easy to mix, high water retention rate, long distance, large height after pumping still It has good working performance. Its biggest advantages are high construction efficiency, good quality of the mortar after forming, and due to a large initial velocity of the mortar when spraying. Therefore, it can have a more secure grip with the substrate, which can effectively reduce the occurrence of hollow drum cracking.